this is a semi-permanent makeup technique.

Lip blushing is a semi-permanent makeup technique that implants pigment into the lips resulting in a soft, natural-looking tint or blush effect. The goal of lip blush is to enhance the color and shape of the lips in a subtle way, mimicking the appearance of naturally pink lips, and creating the illusion of fullness. The lip blush technique that we offer is specifically focused on a natural approach. You can expect sheer, airy healed results that fade out beautifully over time.

- DO NOT drink caffeine or alcohol 24 hours prior to the appointment.
- DO NOT take any form of blood thinners 48 hours prior to the appointment.
- Avoid taking antibiotics two weeks in advance of your appointment.
- No tanning or direct sun exposure 72 hours before your appointment.
- Gently exfoliate the lips a few days prior to your appointment to remove dead skin.

Yes! We will work together to find the perfect shade for your natural lips and skin tone. Shades can be fully customized. Keep in mind lip blush is typically a 2 step process to see full desired color results. 

Can I choose my color? 

Typically lip blushing can last anywhere from 1-3 years. It varies due to skin type, lifestyle, and how well you take care of them post procedure. Annual touchups are recommended to keep color fresh. Pigment can be affected by the use of anti aging, exfoliating, or acne skin care products around the area, unprotected UV exposure, and improper aftercare. 

How long does it last?

If you are prone to cold sores, we recommend calling your Dr. or a walk-in and getting a prescription for anti viral medication such as Valtrex for preventative measures! 

Will I get cold sores? 

The appointment will typically take anywhere from 2- 3 1/2 hours from start to finish. This includes consultation, mapping, numbing, color choice, and tattooing. We use a topical numbing cream to pre-numb the area, then continue to apply a numbing product throughout the procedure to keep you comfortable and numb! 

How long is the appointment & should I expect pain?   

The area may slightly swollen for a day or two and this is normal for the lip area.

They will be vibrant for the first 3 days and then will begin settling in, softening and turning very natural.

After healing, the color will be softer and lighten up anywhere from 10-30%. Over time, the color will continue to lighten and fade.

An aftercare kit will be provided with everything you need and instructions to take care of your lips. Healing time is fairly quick and peeling will start around 3-5 days after.

Be sure to avoid spicy foods/swimming/sauna/direct sunlight, and any makeup products besides healing balm on the lips. 

What is the healing process?

Looking for something in particular?

Yes! Lip filler and lip blush are friends and work beautifully together! However, you will need to wait 8 weeks before or after getting lip filler to get lip blushing. 

Can I get lip blush if I have lip filler?

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